

Dr. Tobias Stark

Associate professor (UHD)
ERCOMER (European Research Centre on
Migration and Ethnic Relations)
Department of Interdisciplinary Social Science
Utrecht University, NL


My research interests are in the field of ethnic prejudice, ethnic/national identities, and interethnic relations. In particular, I study how prejudice develops within social networks, how this affects and is affected by people's ethnic/national identities, and how this, in turn, causes changes in the structure of social networks. In my ERC consolidator program, I focus on people's perceptions of others' identities and their social ties. The main argument is that it's not a person's self-reported identification or social relationships that drive other people's behavior toward that person but how these people perceive the person's ethnic/national belonging and their embedding in a social network.

Though many of my projects are on “basic science,” I’m driven by the potential societal impact of my research. That’s why a large part of my attention has been directed at using my insights to develop intervention programs for (primary) schools that are designed to improve interethnic relations. For instance, I have cooperated with practitioners of the programs Discussieren Kun Je Leren, Welkom in Mijn Wijk, and One Globe Kids.

I integrate my work on interethnic relations with my interest in methodological research. For instance, some of my work concerns the improvement of measures of ethnic/racial attitudes and of methods to measure social networks. Together with Jon Krosnick, I have developed a new graphical interface (GENSI) to collect data on egocentric social networks in online surveys. Together with Tom Nijs and Zsofia Boda, I'm currently developing a new graphical software to collect whole network data and egocentric network data with smartphone surveys.




December, 2024: Article in press
Our article comparing the simultaneous effects of various forms of positive and negative indirect contact has just appeared: Stark, T. H.; Nijs, T. & Köbrich, J. (2025). Additive and multiplicative effects of different forms of positive and negative indirect intergroup contact in predicting intergroup attitudes. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.


December, 2024: Article in press
The second article of my PhD student Julia Köbrich has just appeared online. We present very exciting mixed-methods research about the determinants of positive interreligious contact in Togo and Sierra Leone. Köbrich, J.; Stark, T. H.; Martinović, B. & Adiakpo Y.S. (2025). Overcoming barriers to interreligious peace: Determinants of preferences for religiously similar others in Togo and Sierra Leone. Political Psychology.


September, 2024: Conference organised
My DUALNETS ERC team organised a mini-conference with speakers who study dual identity and bi-cultural youth in the Netherlands and Germany. Speakers included Fenella Fleischmann, Yasin Koc, Sheida Novin, Lars Leszczensky and others.


September, 2024: Research presented
I was invited to present my work at the Intergroup Relations and Social Networks workshop at Nuffield College, Oxford University.


September, 2024: Article in press
The first article of my PhD student Anniek Schlette has just appeared online: Schlette, A., Stark, T. H., Smeekes, A., & Lubbers, M. (2024). Understanding causes of adolescents' ascriptions of peers' dual ethnic and national belonging. Journal of Community & Applied Social Psychology, 34(5)


August, 2024: Article in press
The last article of the PhD thesis of my former student Marija Dangubic has just appeared online: Dangubić, M., Verkuyten, M., & Stark, T. H. (2024). Critical Inclusiveness: Prejudice, principles, and the social acceptance of Muslim minorities. International Journal of Intercultural Relations


August, 2024: Article in press
The last article of the PhD thesis of my former student Nick Wuestenenk has just appeared online: Wuestenenk, N.; Nijs, T.; Stark, Tobias H.; van Tubergen, Frank & Ellemers, Naomi (2024). How do personal opinions relate to online expressions? The interplay of misperceptions and willingness to share opinions in full classroom networks: The case of opinions towards homosexuality. Social Networks


July, 2024: Article in press
The third article of the PhD thesis of my former student Nick Wuestenenk has just appeared online: Wuestenenk, N.; van Tubergen, Frank; Stark, Tobias H. & Ellemers, Naomi (2024). How do personal opinions relate to online expressions? An experimental study among Muslim minority groups in the Netherlands. Social Networks


May, 2024: Research grant
Together with Verena Seibel and Sheida Novin, I received an incentive grant from Utrecht University, funding one PhD student for our project "Recognition of adolescents’ multicultural strengths when entering the labor market: The role of social networks".


February, 2024: Teaching qualification committee
The dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of Utrecht University has asked me to join the teaching qualification committee of our faculty. In this function, I will evaluate academics' portfolios to receive the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ), Senior University Teaching Qualification (STQ), and Senior Research Qualification (SRQ).


December, 2023: Research presented
I presented research on social network analysis in intergroup relations research at the Organizational Behavior Group, Utrecht, Netherlands.


November, 2023: Article in press
The first article of my PhD student Julia Köbrich has just appeared online: Köbrich, Julia; Martinović, Borja; & Stark, Tobias H. (2023). Interreligious contact and attitudes in Togo and Sierra Leone: The role of ingroup norms and individual preferences. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology


November, 2023: ERC advisory committee
I participated for the second time in Utrecht University's ERC advisory committee, giving feedback to colleagues who prepare an ERC Consolidator Grant application.


October, 2023: Research grant
I received an EU Consortia Incentive Fund from Utrecht University to lead the preparation of a Horizon Europe proposal.


September, 2023: Rubicon committee
I was asked to join the evaluation committee of the Dutch national science foundation (NWO) for their Rubicon funding scheme in 2023 and 2024.


September, 2023: Research presented
I presented research at the workshop “agents in games and networks for collective action and information exchange”, Utrecht, Netherlands


July, 2023: Book chapter appeared
I was invited to co-author the chapter on social network analysis in the new edition of the Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology: Wang, Wei; Stark, Tobias H.; Westaby, James D.; Parr, Adam K. &Newman, Daniel A. (2023). Social Network Analysis in Psychology: Recent Breakthroughs in Methods and Theories. Pp. 501-537 in H. Cooper & M.N. Coutanche, L.M. McMullen, A.T. Panter, D. Rindskopf, & K.J. Sher (eds). APA Handbook of Research Methods in Psychology, 2nd Edition.


July, 2023: Research presented
I presented our research on the effects of different group labels on responses to racial prejudice measures at the ISPP conference in Montreal, Canada.


July, 2023: Ius Promovendi
I was awarded "ius promovendi", the right to award doctoral degrees in the Netherlands.


June, 2023: Research presented
I presented the first draft of our new software to measure social networks on smartphones at the workshop on social segregation in Mannheim, Germany.


May, 2023: Article in press
The second article of my PhD student Nick Wuestenenk has just appeared online: Wuestenenk, N.; van Tubergen, Frank & Stark, Tobias H. (2022). The influence of group membership on online expressions and polarization on a discussion platform: an experimental study. New Media & Society.


Februari, 2023: SKOz
I achieved the Dutch "Senior Research Qualification" (Seniorkwalificatie Onderzoek SKOz).


December, 2022: SKOw
I achieved the Dutch "Senior University Teaching Qualification" (Seniorkwalificatie Onderwijs SKOw).


May, 2022: Article in press
Li, Gabriel Miao; Pasek, Josh; Krosnick, Jon A.; Stark, Tobias H.; Agiesta, Jennifer; Sood, Gaurav; Tompson, Trevor & Gross, Wendy (2022). Americans’ Attitudes toward the Affordable Care Act: What Role Do Beliefs Play? The ANNALS of the American Academy of Political and Social Science.


May, 2022: Article in press
The first article of my PhD student Nick Wuestenenk has just appeared online: Wuestenenk, N.; van Tubergen, Frank & Stark, Tobias H. (2022). Attitudes towards homosexuality among ethnic majority and minority adolescents in Western Europe: the role of ethnic classroom composition. International Journal of Intercultural Relations.


March, 2022: ERC Consolidator Grant
I’m incredibly happy to share with you that I have won an ERC Consolidator Grant!! This allows me to build a team to examine how people’s perceptions of dual ethnic/national identifiers and their positions in social networks affect intergroup relations.


March, 2022: Article in press
Stark, Tobias H. & Stocké, Volker (2022).Predicting Data Quality of Proxy Reports in Egocentric Network Studies. Social Networks.
Our paper has finally appeared in print. You can use this link to download the article for free.


November, 2021: Promotion
As of November 1st, I have been promoted to associate professor (UHD).


July, 2021: Newspaper interview
I was interviewed about the potential societal consequences of abolishing all corona measures in the UK by the Dutch newspaper NRC.


July, 2021: Research presented
I presented our research updated measures of Symbolic Racism and Racial Resentment at the virtual ISPP conference.


April, 2021: Elected board member
I have been elected to the board of the James Coleman Association where I will fulfill the role of treasurer and secretary.


April, 2021: Seed money grant awarded
Together Beate Volker, I received a seed money grant for the project "The impact of social inequalities for migrants’ and children of migrants’ participation in the democratic process " from Utrecht University's focus area Migration and Societal Change. We will use this grant to set up an international consortium to write a competitive Horizon Europe grant proposal.


February, 2021: Invited talk
I gave an invited talk on ethnic school segregation for alumni of psychology programs of Leiden University, Netherlands.


February, 2021: Article appeared
Stark, Tobias H. & Stocké, Volker (2021).Predicting Data Quality of Proxy Reports in Egocentric Network Studies. Social Networks.
I'm very happy to announce that my paper with the late Volker Stocké has finally appeared. Volker and I designed this study what feels like ages ago but we never found the time to analyse the data and write it up. It took his untimely passing in 2017 for me to finally carve out the time to finish our project. This paper is dedicated to Volker's memory.


December, 2020: Seed money grant awarded
Together with Gerald Mollenhorst, Kirsten Visser, Eva Jaspers, Beate Volker, and Veronique Schutjens, I received a seed money grant for the project "Youth as agent of sustainable change". For the next 12 months, we will explore how youth make use of the intergenerational social networks to raise awareness and behavioral change to tackle climate change.


December, 2020: Invited talk
I gave an invited talk on the Black Pete debate in The Netherlands at the congres of the Mediatorsfederatie Nederland.


November, 2020: Research grant awarded
Together with Beate Volker, Anne Brons, Kirsten Visser, Gerald Mollenhorst, Eva Jaspers, Gonneke Stevens, Veronique Schutjens, Gideon Bolt, I received a research grant for the project "Youth networks, social divides and solidarity - Before Covid-19, during the lock down, and in the aftermath of the epidemic". During the next 12 months, we will explore how Covid-19 has changed the social networks and solidarity of youth.


November, 2020: Research presented
Valentina Di Stasio and I presented our research on a social networks and compliance with measures against the spread of the Coronavirus at the Social Science Center Berlin (WZB), Germany.


November, 2020: Article appeared
Damen, Roxy E.C.; Martinović, Borja & Stark, Tobias H. (2021).Explaining the relationship between socio-economic status and interethnic friendships: The mediating role of preferences, opportunities, and third parties. International Journal of Intercultural Relations 80:40-50.


September, 2020: News report on Coronavirus research
A Dutch newspaper reported on our recent research on the impact of social networks on people's willingness to follow the behavioural rules against the Coronavirus. The English summary of our report can be found here .


September, 2020: Elected chairman of educational committee
I have been elected as chairman of the Educational Committee of the Faculty of Social Science (OC UGS) at Utrecht University.


September, 2020: Article appeared
Stark, Tobias H.; Rambaran, J. Ashwin & McFarland, Dan A. (2020).The meeting of minds: Forging social and intellectual networks within universities. Sociological Science.


August, 2020: Article appeared
Dangubic, Marija M.; Verkuijten Maykel J.A.M. & Stark, Tobias H.(2020).Understanding (in)tolerance of Muslim minority practices: a latent profile analysis. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies.


August, 2020: Article appeared
Dangubic, Marija M.; Verkuijten Maykel J.A.M. & Stark, Tobias H.(2020). Rejecting Muslim or Christian Religious Practices in Five West European Countries: A Case of Discriminatory Rejection? Ethnic and Racial Studies.


July, 2020: Article appeared
Beuthner, Christoph; Silber, Henning & Stark, Tobias H.(2020). Effects of smartphone use and recall aids on network name generator questions. Social Networks.


May, 2020: Research grant awarded
Together with Valentina Di Stasio and Maykel Verkuyten, I received a research grant for the project "Social networks and people’s willingness to comply with covid-19 policy measures". During the next 6 months, we will explore how people are affected by their personal networks to support policymakers in their decision process regarding covid-19 measures.


March, 2020: Seed money grant awarded
Together with Daniel Cohnitz and Erik Stei, I received a grant to organize a workshop with the title "The social epistemology of the spread of conspiracy theories about and among migrants."


January, 2020: Research presented
I presented research on a social networks, prejudice, and conspiracy beliefs at the Department of Philosophy at the University of Sydney, Australia.


December, 2019: Blog post on anti-bribery intervention
I wrote a blog post about the methodology behind our network intervention addressing bribery in the Tanzanian health sector.


October, 2019: Research grant awarded
The Liberal Jewish Congregation Amsterdam has selected me to evaluate their intervention program "Get to know your neighbors" (Leer je Buren Kennen). The research is funded by the Brouwer Price of the Royal Holland Society of Sciences and Humanities. I will conduct this research together with Fenella Fleischman and Simon de Jong.


October, 2019: Article appeared
Stark, Tobias H.; van Maaren, Floor; Krosnick, Jon A. & Sood, Gaurav (2019). The Impact of Social Desirability Pressures on Whites’ Endorsement of Racial Stereotypes: A Comparison between Oral and ACASI Reports in a National Survey. Sociological Methods & Research.
(Open access).


September, 2019: Research presented
I presented research on a social networks intervention at the Workshop on Migration, Integration, and Social Networks at Cologne, Germany


September, 2019: Article appeared
Zingora, Tibor; Stark, Tobias H. & Flache, Andreas (2019). Who is most influential? Adolescents’ intergroup attitudes and peer influence within a social network. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
(Open access).


May, 2019: Article appeared
Stark, Tobias H. (2019). Indirect Contact in Social Networks: Challenging Common Interpretations of the Extended Contact Hypothesis. Group Processes and Intergroup Relations.
(Open access).


May, 2019: Article accepted
Stark, Tobias H.; van Maaren, Floor; Krosnick, Jon A. & Sood, Gaurav (forthcoming). The Impact of Social Desirability Pressures on Whites’ Endorsement of Racial Stereotypes: A Comparison between Oral and ACASI Reports in a National Survey. Sociological Methods & Research.


January, 2019: I joined the editorial team of JSPP
I am very proud to be selected as associated editor of the Journal of Social and Politicial Psychology (JSPP). JSPP is a well-regarded peer-reviewed open-access journal (without author fees).


December, 2018: Article accepted
Nijs, Tom; Stark, Tobias H. & Verkuijten, Maykel (forthcoming). Negative inter-group contact and radical right-wing voting: The moderating roles of personal and collective self-efficacy. Political Psychology.


November, 2018: Research Grant awarded
The Anti-Corruption Evidence Programme, funded by DFID and managed by Global Integrity, has decided to fund the research program "Addressing Bribery and Favouritism in the Tanzanian Health Sector: a behavioural approach". Together with Claudia Baez Camargo (PI), Antonio Silva (Co-I), and Richard Sambaiga(Co-I), I (Co-I) will implement a network intervention program to reduce corruption in the health sector in Tanzania.


November, 2018: Roundtable refugee educational programs
I have been invited to give expert advise during a roundtable meeting with various organization that provide educational programs for refugees or that educated about refugees. The meeting was organized by Stay Human and the Hummanity House.


November, 2018: Research presented
I presented research on networks and extended contact at the EASP small group meeting "Introducing Structure: Networks in Social Psychology" in Brussels, Belgium.


November, 2018: Workshop taught
Together with Tibor Zingora, I gave a workshop on longitudinal social network analysis (SIENA) at the EASP small group meeting "Introducing Structure: Networks in Social Psychology" in Brussels, Belgium.


October, 2018: Research presented
I presented research on extreme attitudes at theworkshop on polarization and radicalization in social systems.


October, 2018: Evaluation report published
Together with Ghislaine Jordans, I have published a report on the effectivness of the intervention Welkom In Mijn Wijk.


September, 2018: Symposium Park Plaswijk
I have been asked to give a public talk on intergroup contact and playing together at the 95th anniversary of Park Plaswijk in Rotterdam.


August, 2018: Research presented
I presented a paper on an intervention study in primary schools at the Conference "Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education", at the University of Potsdam, Germany.


July, 2018: Utrecht Summer School
I taught 2 course days at the Utrecht Summer School on Migration, Integration, and Ethnic Relations.


July, 2018: Presentation at ROC Mondriaan
I presented and discussed research plans with members of the network of citizenship education teacher at the community college ROC Mondriaan in The Hague.


June, 2018: Research presented
I presented my work on social networks and extended contact at the Sunbelt Social Networks Conference, which, conveniently took place in Utrecht.


June, 2018: Research presented
I presented a paper with Volker Stocke at the workshop on empirical data collection in social networks, Nuffield College, University of Oxford, UK.


June, 2018: Research presented
I presented an evaluation study of a school based intervention at AMCIS Education & Citizenship seminar, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands.


May, 2018: Research presented
I presented my work on social networks in intergroup relations at Social Psychology Lab, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium.


April, 2018: National Science Agenda
I joined the advice network of the Dutch National Science Agenda (adviesnetwerk NWA Jeugd in ontwikkeling).


March, 2018: ERC expert evaluator
I worked for 5 days as an expert evaluator for the European Research Council for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie action H2020-MSCA-NIGHT-2018 .


February, 2018: Paper published online
Stark, Tobias H.; Silber, Henning; Krosnick, Jon A.; Blom, A.G.; Aoyagi, Midori; Belchior Ana; Bosnjak, Michael; Clement, Sanne Lund; John, Melvin; Jónsdóttir, Guðbjörg Andrea; Lawson, Karen; Lynn, Peter; Martinsson, Johan; Shamshiri-Petersen, Ditte; Tvinnereim, Endre & Yu, Ruoh-rong (2017). "Generalization of Classic Question Order Effects across Cultures". Sociological Methods & Research. (Open Acess)


January, 2018: Book chapter appeared
Stark, Tobias H. (2018). Collecting Social Network Data. In: Vannette D., Krosnick J. (eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Survey Research. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.


December, 2017: Interview in media
The Dutch RTL news featured an interview with me on their website.


November, 2017: TEACHER OF THE YEAR
The students of the program "Interdisciplinary Social Science" at Utrecht University elected me teacher of the year (docenttalent). I feel very honored with this award.


November, 2017: Dissemnation activity
I will give an invited lecture at the concert hall Tivoli Vredenburg (Utrecht) as part of the Requiem Waarheen leidt de weg?


September, 2017: Workshop organized
Together with Buju Dasguta, Skip Lupia, Joanna Morris, and Jon Krosnick, I organized a workshop at the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) where experts presented their research on implicit bias.
Speaker were (amongst others), Mazharin Banaji, Tony Greenwald, Brian Nosek, David Sears, Leonie Huddy, Jack Dovidio, Russ Fazio, and Klaus Rothermund.


August, 2017: Paper published
Tobias H. Stark, Lars Leszczensky, Sebastian Pink: Are there differences in ethnic majority and minority adolescents’ friendships preferences and social influence with regard to their academic achievement? . Zeitschrift fur Erziehungswissenschaft.


July, 2017: Research presented
I presented a paper, co-authored with Henning Silber, Jon Krosnick, and Annelies Bloom at ESRA, the bi-annual meeting of the European Survey Research Association in Lisbon, Portugal.


July, 2017: Research presented
I presented a paper at EASP, the general meeting of the Euorpean Association of Social Psychology in Granada, Spain.


June, 2017: Invited talk
I gave a talk titled "A social network perspective on intergroup contact theory" at Social Science Research Colloquium, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany.


May, 2017: Research presented
I presented a paper, co-authored with Henning Silber, Jon Krosnick, and Annelies Bloom at AAPOR, the American Association for Public Opinion Research in New Orleans, USA.


March, 2017: Invited talk
I gave a talk titled Collecting Data of Whole and Ego-Centered Networks at GESIS, Leibniz-Insitut fuer Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim Germany.


March, 2017: Dissemnation activity
I organize a workshop at the "Onderzoeksparade" of Utrecht University to present my research to students and colleagues.


February, 2017: Paper published
Lars Leszczensky, Andreas Flache, Tobias H. Stark, and Anke Munniksma: The Relation between Ethnic Classroom Composition and Adolescents' Ethnic Pride . Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.


January, 2017: Research
We started the data collection for our research on the effects of the primary school intervention program "Discussieren Kun Je Leren" in Amsterdam.


November, 2016: Research presented
I presented my current research at the Department of Sociology, of the University of Groningen, Netherlands.


November, 2016: Paper published
Stark, Tobias H.: "The density of social networks moderates effects of intergroup contact". International Journal of Intercultural Relations (55):133–147.
Follow this link to download the paper for free.


September, 2016: Paper published
Stark, Tobias H. & Krosnick, Jon A.: "GENSI: A New Graphical Tool to Collect Ego-Centered Network Data". Social Networks (48): 36–45.
Follow this link to download the paper for free.


July, 2016: Research presented
I presented a paper, co-authored with Lars Leszczensky, Andreas Flache, and Anke Munniksma at the conference "Cultural Diversity, Migration, and Education", at the University of Potsdam, Germany.


June, 2016: Teaching certificate
After completing a seven-month teacher training and compiling a teaching portfolio, I received the certificate for Dutch university teachers from Utrecht University, Netherlands.


June, 2016: Research presented
I presented a paper, co-authored with Macel Coenders at the "dag van de sociologie", the annual meeting of the Dutch Sociological Association at Tilburg University, Netherlands.


June, 2016: Dissemnation activity
I co-organized the symposium "Perspektief op diversiteit" for academic and non-academic professionals at the European Research Centre on Migration and Ethnic Relations at Utrecht University, Netherlands.


May, 2016: Presentation given
I was asked to give a pitch on "Identity and Peer Relations" at a preparation meeting of the "Route Jeugd in ontwikkeling, opvoeding en onderwijs" of the "Nationale Wetenschapsagenda".


May, 2016: Book chapter in press
Silber, Henning, Tobias H. Stark, Jon A. Krosnick, and Annelies G. Blom:"Implementing a Multi-National Study of Questionnaire Design". In: Johnson, T., B. Dorer, I. Stoop, B.-E. Pennell (Ed.). Advances in Comparative Survey Methods: Multicultural, Multinational and Multiregional (3MC) Contexts. New York: Wiley.


May, 2016: Dissemnation activity
I gave an invited lecture on integration of refugees at the "nationale dag van de communicatie".


March, 2016: Workshop taught
Together with Lysann Zander and Thorsten Henke, I gave a pre-conference workshop on social network analysis preceeding the annual convention of Empirical Educational Research in Berlin, Germany.


February, 2016: Paper published
Munniksma, Anke; Scheepers, Peer; Stark, Tobias H. & Tolsma, Jochem: "The Impact of Adolescents’ Classroom and Neighborhood Ethnic Diversity on In- and Out-Group Relations within Classrooms". Journal of Research on Adolescence.


December, 2015: Dissemnation activity
I published an article about my research in the monthly journal for high school and primary school teachers Didactief: "Gemengde scholen, goed voor integratie?”.


December, 2015: Invited talk
Talk given at D66 master class: "Wetenschappelijke perspectieven op onderwijssegregatie.”


October, 2015: Paper published
Leszczensky, Lars; Stark, Tobias H.; Flache, Andreas & Munniksma, Anke: "Disentangling the Relationship between Young Immigrants' National Identification and their Friendships with Natives". Social Networks (44): 179-189.


April, 2015: Paper published
Tobias H. Stark "Understanding the Selection Bias: Social Network Processes and the Effect of Prejudice on the Avoidance of Outgroup Friends". Social Psychology Quarterly.


January, 2015: Paper published
Munniksma, Anke; Verkuyten, Maykel; Flache, Andreas ; Stark, Tobias H. & Veenstra, René: "Friendships and outgroup attitudes among ethnic minority youth: The mediating role of ethnic and host society identification". International Journal of Intercultural Relations.


December, 2014: Paper published
Stark, Tobias H.; Maes, Michael & Flache, Andreas: "Liking and disliking minority-group classmates: Explaining the mixed findings for the influence of ethnic classroom composition on interethnic attitudes". Social Science Research.


November, 2014: Paper published
Pasek, Josh; Stark, Tobias H.; Krosnick, Jon A. & Tompson, Trevor: "What motivates a conspiracy Theory? Birther beliefs, partisanship, liberal conservative ideology, and anti-Black attitudes". Electoral Studies.


November, 2014: Paper published
Pasek, Josh; Stark, Tobias H.; Krosnick, Jon A. & Tompson, Trevor: "Changing Levels of Racial Prejudice and Changing Impacts of Attitudes toward Blacks on Approval of Barack Obama’s Job Performance and on Voting Intentions, 2008-2012". Public Opinion Quarterly.


July 25, 2014: VENI research grant awarded
The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) awarded me a VENI reserach grant (250,000 Euro) for my proposal "Interethnic Attitudes and Social Influence within Social Networks: Towards an Intervention Program for Ethnically Segregated Schools."


July 25, 2014: Conference participation
I presented the manuscript "A new survey tool for ego-centered networks" co-authored with Jon A. Krosnick at the VI European Congress of Methodology.


May 15, 2014: Cconference participation
I presented the manuscript "A new survey tool for ego-centered networks" co-authored with Jon A. Krosnick at the 69th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.


March 16, 2014: Paper accepted for conference presentation
In July 2014, I will present the manuscript "A new survey tool for ego-centered networks" co-authored with Jon A. Krosnick at the VI European Congress of Methodology.


February 28, 2014: Paper accepted for publication
The manuscript "Changing Levels of Racial Prejudice and Changing Impacts of Attitudes toward Blacks on Approval of Barack Obama's Job Performance and on Voting Intentions, 2008-2012" by Josh Pasek, Tobias Stark, Trevor Tompson, & Jon A. Krosnick has been accepted for publication in Public Opinion Quarterly.


February 15th, 2014: Conference participation
I presented the manuscript "Measuring Anti-Black Racism in the U.S." co-authored by Josh Pasek, Trevor Tompson, & Jon A. Krosnick at the 15th annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology at Austin, Tx. I co-chaired the symposium "Racism: Theories, measurements, and consequences" (with Jon Krosnick) at which Patricia Devine, Jack Dovidio, and David Sears presented their current research.


January 29, 2014: Paper accepted for conference presentation
In August 2014, I will present the manuscript "Understanding the Selection Bias" at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association.


January 22, 2014: Paper accepted for conference presentation
In May 2014, I will present the manuscript "A new survey tool for ego-centered networks" co-authored with Jon A. Krosnick at the 69th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.


November 21th, 2013: Dissertation Prize awarded
My dissertation "Integration in Schools. A Process Perspective on Students’ Interethnic Attitudes and Interpersonal Relationships" received the prize for the best dissertations written in the years 2011 and 2012 by the Dutch Sociological Association (NSV).


August 11th, 2013: Conference participation
I presented the manuscript "How do interventions promote intergroup friendships even among prejudiced people if they avoid the outgroup?" at the Annual Conference of the American Sociological Association.


May 20th, 2013: Pre-print appeared
Munniksma, Anke; Stark, Tobias H.; Verkuyten, Maykel; Flache, Andreas & Veenstra, René: "Generalization of positive and negative attitudes towards individuals to outgroup attitudes". Group Processes & Intergroup Relations.


May 18th, 2013: Conference participation
I presented the manuscript "Measuring Anti-Black Racism in the U.S." co-authored by Josh Pasek, Trevor Tompson, & Jon A. Krosnick at the 68th Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research.


Spring, 2013: TV interview rediscovered
I finally found this video of a TV interview (in Dutch) on my PhD thesis on YouTube. The interview was taped in September 2011.


March 6th, 2013: Pre-print appeared
Stark, Tobias H., Flache, A. & Veenstra, Rene: "Generalization of positive and negative attitudes towards individuals to outgroup attitudes". Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.


February 1st, 2013: Pre-print appeared
Tolsma, Jochem; Van Deurzen, Ioana; Stark, Tobias H. & Veenstra, Rene: "Who is Bullying Whom in Ethnically Diverse Primary Schools? Exploring Links between Bullying, Ethnicity, and Ethnic Diversity in Dutch Primary Schools". Social Networks.


October 16th, 2012: Research Prize for Dissertation
The Erasmus Prize Foundation awarded a Research Prize for my dissertation "Integration in Schools. A Process Perspective on Students’ Interethnic Attitudes and Interpersonal Relationships".
The prize is valued at 3,000 Euro in recognition of an exceptional PhD dissertation in the humanities and social sciences.


June 15th, 2012: Project started
For the next two years, I will be working as a Visiting Scholar at Stanford University as part of my Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship.

Please see the "contact" tab for my new email address and visitor address.


March , 2012: Fellowship awarded
I have been granted a Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowship by the European Commission. The grant is valued at 263,660.70 Euros and funds two years of research at Stanford University and one year at Utrecht University. Together with Prof. Maykel Verkuyten and Prof. Jon Krosnick, I will examine how the structure of social networks affects racial prejudice.


March 30th, 2012: Article published in Dutch journal "de Cascade"
Opinion piece on ethnic mixing in schools was published. Title: "Extra tijd voor etnisch mengen op school? [Extra time for ethnic mixing?]"


February 7th, 2012: Research results presented
I was invited to present results of my research to a group of 60 social workers who work with ethnically diverse groups of (school) children. This mini conference was organized by stichting PAS in Arnhem, the Netherlands.


January 4th, 2012: Preprint appeared
Preprint of article "The Double Edge of Common Interest: Ethnic Segregation as an Unintended Byproduct of Opinion Homophily" appeared in Sociology of Education.


September 8th, 2011: "CUM LAUDE" awarded for dissertation and defense
I was awarded the distinction "cum laude" for both my dissertation and the defense thereof. "Cum laude" is the highest honor in the Netherlands and only given to the top 5 to 7 percent of all dissertations.


September 1th, 2011: Dissertation published

News release

Dutch summary

Access complete version of dissertation